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Gotham-Oyaide STAR SERIES UPF1 – Vertical Expansive Soundstage High-end Fully Balanced Rhodium over Silver XLR Cables
S$ 640.0 – S$ 790.0- Highest range of cable from Gotham lineup
- Each of the 4 conductors is individually shielded, resulting in immensely quiet and glorious soundstage
- Terminated with Oyaide Focus 1 XLR plugs, one of the highest calibre of material, plating, construction and intricate workmanship plus aesthetics
- Ball bearing system, manufactured by ultraprecision machining, is employed for its locking mechanism, delivering smooth and absolute plug connection
- SWAROVSKI rhinestones, blue and red, are enchased on the surface of its body for identification of the left and right channels
- Rhodium over Silver plating renders highly accurate sound that it is super versatile in providing character based on whatever genres of music thrown at them
- Vertical axis of soundstage expansion becomes all the more apparent from the concise transparency of the background – imagine hearing details and nuances coming from the top and bottom left-right corners of your listening sphere
- On well-recorded piece of music, certain notes will emanate into regions of space, giving you the listening enjoyment of being in the music
- Meticulously hand sleeved with silver PET and PP cotton for both strength and flexibility
- Each cable is hand-crafted in Singapore with highest quality and aesthetic in mind
- All terminations are soldered with authentic WBT 4% Silver content solder
- Sleeve colour change can be requested at no additional cost subjected to availability
- All parts used in STAR SERIES are guaranteed to be truly authentic
- Made to order in 12-14 days
- Rent-to-try at S$250 for 2 days
- Comes with extended 2-year warranty from QA
- *actual heatshrink lengths may slightly differ from photos